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New Patients at
Adich Chiropractic and Massage

Welcome to Adich Chiropractic and Massage! To save time, we can email you your new patient paperwork, and you can bring it in completed. Or you can fill out the forms in the office.

What to Expect

Our new patient onboarding process is one visit, because we understand that people want to get out of pain and receive some form of care.

This initial appointment takes about an hour. Here’s what you can expect:

Adich Chiropractic and Massage waiting area

Dr. Adich will review the forms you’ve completed. Then you’ll meet with him in an exam room; he’ll review your paperwork, which includes your health history. The reason why it’s important for Dr. Adich to know about any past issues you’ve had, is so he can determine if it’s contributing to your current health complaint.

Dr. Adich will do a range of motion checks, so he can determine what motion produces discomfort. For example, he’ll have you move your head or neck in different directions to see what hurts and what doesn’t. These checks also help him better understand which part of your back or neck is injured, how it affects motion, and your ability to move and live life.

Next, Dr. Adich will do some palpation of the spine to identify where things are stuck, stiff and sore. He’ll also look for tight muscles along the neck and back along the spine to see where there are issues going on, and how those relate to your symptoms.

Sometimes people will have symptoms, and the problem isn’t necessarily right there. It could be that it’s usually nearby, but it might be right there. Sometimes the “problem” is different from their symptoms.

Dr. Adich explains as he goes. “I can say, ‘see right here, this is tight, and this is causing this, or this is where the problem is,’” he said. Dr. Adich will then explain how chiropractic care may help your condition, and the care plan he proposes to address it.

You’ll then receive your first adjustment.

You can use your HSA, and we accept cash, VISA and MasterCard.

Book an Appointment

Contact us today to book your time. Online scheduling is available for your convenience.

New Patients at Adich Chiropractic and Massage | (360) 734-9555